Sunday 2 February 2014

The rat race


   For an Indian the race to be ahead of everyone else begins in his childhood- Tutions, School Classes, Olympiads,  Coaching, graduation, Tech Job, fight for promotion, the biggest house. Only when you are old enough you learn to look back in retrospect and wonder if it was all worth it and if a big house with a pool was all you wanted from your life. So stop for once and think. Do not run after things you have no interest in because society thinks it is important.

    Be the biggest, fastest, bad ass rat you can be.  They get  the best digs, hang with the cool chicks, and yes escape maze and eat the sweet cheese too!!.  It might look like a rat race but when you're a rat,it's just a race. What's wrong with winning? ohh..but wait.. Being in a rat race is the worst thing you can do to yourself. Because even if you win the race, you are still a rat!!

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