Thursday 20 March 2014

You are beautiful!!

The most hyped trend among mortals(esp girls) has always been "yearning to be beautiful"..The definition of beauty varies.In my view nothing is more beautiful than a confident girl who pretends to be something that she is not.Somehow we people show extra curvature towards that 'virtual beauty'..

Isn't it funny? We live in a country where the skin color is predominantly brown and we all buy into the 'fairness' cream industry which is touching a turnover of 2000 crore rupees annually. It is as shallow as we can get as a society. What is worse is that the educated masses form the major chunk of the consumer base. I remember a saying I once read. It said, "If women would one day decide to be happy with what they are (physically), the entire beauty industry would crumble in a day!"

Who is the most beautiful women you have ever met..probably my answer would be MOM..And yes your's too!!well she doesn't care about her kajal being erased in sweat or her hair being messed up all day..The beauty and bliss of hard work in a farmer's smile is equal to none..The beauty behind an honest and unconditional love..


"Be that strong girl that everyone knew would make through the worst,be that fearless girl one who would dare to do anything,be that independent girl who didn't need a man,be that girl who never backed down-Taylor swift" 

Well I'm intrigued about  what you mean by "beautiful",but I'll still answer the question..Every woman out there,fighting her own battle is beautiful!  

1 comment:

  1. beautifully said.."Every woman out there,fighting her own battle is beautiful! "
    Good times ahead, beautiful lady...
