Saturday 10 May 2014

Savour the love!!

        A busy life has resulted in a situation in which we are unable to spend much of the quality  time with family. There can be two forms of relationship around you, the one with unconditional love and the other. Aforesaid one is possible only with your mother. Of course blessed are the ones who find it with their better half too!! The total of all rules without  exception  fade out with her. 

       I have hardly thought if my amma had been able to continue her career as priority, she would have been able to earn money all through her life. She would have retained her independence. She would have found bliss of encouragement from society and her peers. She would have got recognition for new ventures..But she chose me :") 
      The only person with whom I go mute mode, hug and respond even more tighter, make my name sound like a special one, give my daily dose of addiction like none( coffee.. :D it matters), discover words that only we can understand, make sport of appa, acquainted me with the works of legends, keep the kid in me active, and it is endless...
      The sense of awe in her eyes when she learnt to comment on a page, innocence when she discovered  that she missed great funs in past, trying to stay selfish and yet failing at each stage..whoaa she's adorable.
      A great salute to all mothers who are instinctive philosophers!!


  1. Perfect gift for Mothers day out. Show it to your mom tomorrow, should feel proud of her lil writer.
