Saturday 10 May 2014

Savour the love!!

        A busy life has resulted in a situation in which we are unable to spend much of the quality  time with family. There can be two forms of relationship around you, the one with unconditional love and the other. Aforesaid one is possible only with your mother. Of course blessed are the ones who find it with their better half too!! The total of all rules without  exception  fade out with her. 

       I have hardly thought if my amma had been able to continue her career as priority, she would have been able to earn money all through her life. She would have retained her independence. She would have found bliss of encouragement from society and her peers. She would have got recognition for new ventures..But she chose me :") 
      The only person with whom I go mute mode, hug and respond even more tighter, make my name sound like a special one, give my daily dose of addiction like none( coffee.. :D it matters), discover words that only we can understand, make sport of appa, acquainted me with the works of legends, keep the kid in me active, and it is endless...
      The sense of awe in her eyes when she learnt to comment on a page, innocence when she discovered  that she missed great funs in past, trying to stay selfish and yet failing at each stage..whoaa she's adorable.
      A great salute to all mothers who are instinctive philosophers!!

Thursday 20 March 2014

You are beautiful!!

The most hyped trend among mortals(esp girls) has always been "yearning to be beautiful"..The definition of beauty varies.In my view nothing is more beautiful than a confident girl who pretends to be something that she is not.Somehow we people show extra curvature towards that 'virtual beauty'..

Isn't it funny? We live in a country where the skin color is predominantly brown and we all buy into the 'fairness' cream industry which is touching a turnover of 2000 crore rupees annually. It is as shallow as we can get as a society. What is worse is that the educated masses form the major chunk of the consumer base. I remember a saying I once read. It said, "If women would one day decide to be happy with what they are (physically), the entire beauty industry would crumble in a day!"

Who is the most beautiful women you have ever met..probably my answer would be MOM..And yes your's too!!well she doesn't care about her kajal being erased in sweat or her hair being messed up all day..The beauty and bliss of hard work in a farmer's smile is equal to none..The beauty behind an honest and unconditional love..


"Be that strong girl that everyone knew would make through the worst,be that fearless girl one who would dare to do anything,be that independent girl who didn't need a man,be that girl who never backed down-Taylor swift" 

Well I'm intrigued about  what you mean by "beautiful",but I'll still answer the question..Every woman out there,fighting her own battle is beautiful!  

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Heydays of history

          The fateful final curtain of immortal Indian saga, The Nalanda university which educated people from far and wide is one such heroic aspect which Indians can boast about..Well only boast!! Owing to the glorious times of the heydays of Gupta empire, the university ran without hindrance for 700 years.The education was completely free. The education included debates,seminars. There were 3 libraries and an observatory. One of them was a 9 story library! 

          Just take a moment to imagine this was 1700 years ago, 600 years before the university of Bologna, 800 years before the university of Cambridge. In the following 700 years the university rendered several raids and plunders,finally demolished. And today we don't even make into top 100 institutions of the world. 
           So how did we fall out of line..?? The instinct of Indian intelligence still exists..But have we brain drained it to other nations?? My best answer is to guarantee "the freedom of thought" !! And the rest will take care itself..

           The next point of focus is HYGIENE. It was in India that people first started practicing public hygiene and sanitation,something which is non existent in modern India..The people of Indus valley civilization built many efficient drains,bathrooms and other sanitation devices. The Harappans invented and used world's first flush toilets. The streets were built on grid pattern and sewers were dug under them.

            "Have you ever seen anyone spit in a mall?"
      In my personal experience, I have never ever seen anyone spit in a mall regardless of the social and economic status of the visitors.You don't really need to go to a different country to see the same person behaving in a civilized manner. What do you think brings about this sharp change in behavior on just entering a mall?

       Let's think about it from the point of view of a person guilty of such an act and what would run through his mind if he were about to spit in a mall or a local train.
Who's watching??
         Everyone on this earth faces embarrassment. There's no one who is above this feeling. We've all had our share of embarrassment and we all hate being embarrassed. The first question that would come to anyone's mind before spitting would be "who's watching and does anyone care!?"
         In a local train, no one really cares. Everyone is used to seeing this everyday. No one would ever make you feel guilty for doing it.Oh well, its dirty anyway! We all have a soft side to ourselves. No one really wants to dirty something which is brand new or well maintained. One might be held responsible for spitting in a mall, but in a local train, the person would be justified in saying "everyone does it, how am I doing any wrong".

        A lot of people who haven't had the opportunity to go through formal education fail to realize the importance of not littering at a personal level. Others who are guilty in spite of being well aware of these things, just fail to see the bigger picture and see themselves as a speck in this huge country. Both of these type of people care less  which makes them change their behavior according to the social structure of the surroundings.
     Keep It simple!! The solution is within :)

Saturday 15 February 2014


   The worst feeling in the world is to bid one's time for something to happen..The more bizarre thing is not knowing what to do while waiting!

   I felt this pain(:P) when my battery powered bestie was shut off and finally unconscious..Adding to the effect was WiFi connection which  was in my state of mind too waiting for its bug to be fixed.Oh well i don't have belief in cascading effects be it an operating system or real life.But this day made me to..After a great silence,my least accessed source..Television too turned back..

   I exclaimed that it might have stumbled upon owing to my inner wish on grazing an article that went on like " hyper-connectivity increases the ability to focus decreases..".But how did my inner wish come true??

   The silence was good indeed!!As per idea given by the great mind i pushed myself into study room hopefully to complete assignments :P. Haaha my crazy mind doesn't know i'm distracted to books peeping out of my closet(obviously not the textbooks).

    Remember the day when I had a robust discussion with my best buddy "why don't we feel contented while being online??"After a long time felt happy to be distracted and deeply connected :)
Something connected this state of mind and magnetic headline of a book "You can't live with them and you can't live without them"

Sunday 9 February 2014

Overrated Normals

Overrating  everywhere!!  
                  Be it the movie you plan for weekend  that behold sordid stuffs with bang super stars,.. Yes they are just entertainment until the truly deserving one’s  are misplaced. Poor fate of India when a movie left unnoticed here but bags international awards.
                 Just a bean worth 500 bucks?! The coffee is over roasted, then over brewed, then left on the heat too long. and on top of that it's way over priced.The recent obsession for  Starbucks and CCD in India just to show off is totally hideous.Thanks to the person who introduced my daily opium,the desi filter coffee.
                More disgusting are overrated authors!!those guys who write some typo errors garnished with immature fantasies, earn fame for their Alma matter by representing themselves as “voice of youth”. Well the good is less expressed..again the ratio matters:P A touch of commercial film indeed !!

             Falling in love. Everyone goes on and on about it.  There is a whole genre of books and movies selling the concept of love. But it’s a crappy feeling. Being in love feels like... It's like being hurt. Falling in love feels like being run over by a truck without being mortally injured. (haha the above line is strictly copied)..But when I see my pals it strikes “There are lot more stuffs to do too in your 20’s”.
              And finally the hypocrisy of Society,ancient laws..and the claims that it is TRADITION.

Sunday 2 February 2014

The rat race


   For an Indian the race to be ahead of everyone else begins in his childhood- Tutions, School Classes, Olympiads,  Coaching, graduation, Tech Job, fight for promotion, the biggest house. Only when you are old enough you learn to look back in retrospect and wonder if it was all worth it and if a big house with a pool was all you wanted from your life. So stop for once and think. Do not run after things you have no interest in because society thinks it is important.

    Be the biggest, fastest, bad ass rat you can be.  They get  the best digs, hang with the cool chicks, and yes escape maze and eat the sweet cheese too!!.  It might look like a rat race but when you're a rat,it's just a race. What's wrong with winning? ohh..but wait.. Being in a rat race is the worst thing you can do to yourself. Because even if you win the race, you are still a rat!!

Sunday 26 January 2014

Treasured hamlet

It’s something that I always feel crazy about,..its neither an edible nor a spirit :P the lesser known treasure of India.The elysian feel of its architecture do some eurekha sort of miracle in me every time..
 I'm going to go with something contemporary. The following is the Palace which stands tall and fully functional even today at Kanadukathan, a remote village in Tamil Nadu, India. 

Chettinad, a community formed by the people of South Tamilnadu called Chettiyars or Nagarathars were people who were financially shrewd. These people in the early 1900s went to various foreign and neighboring nations and made loads of money. Rather than bringing home the money, they brought Burmese teakwood, Italian marble, Spanish floor tiles, and Belgium mirrors.


This is the entrance arch that is present in almost every
 Chettinad House. The entrance piece was usually made with Burmese Teak and intricate chiseling. Easily worth a million bucks today. 

These are the Verandahs. Most auspicious functions like marriages take place here.Believe it or not I’m staring at this picture for past 10 minutes :P

The Wooden Pillars are also ever present in most  Chettinad houses!!These pillars like the walls are made with a special mix known as the"Chettinad Plaster" which contains egg white to give it a shiny appearance even after all these years!
A recent trend in tourism has diffused the glory of this place to great lengths.But still much more treasures here are the at verge of fall owing to urbanization..Hope it will be there to cherish it’s beauty till doomsday!!

Thursday 23 January 2014

Even-steven relationships

If you are happy right now it’s not because that everything is going good..But because the relationship that matters the most to you is going great!!

You get out of a closed space and enter into a real world where your peers would try to beat you, your senior official might command, the impulsiveness to groom yourself step up and your folks expecting your beneficence.

With relationships comes the word expectations!!The crunch arise when a relationship is left unmanaged in the lust of expectations..The ratio is what matters..

Next comes our emotions..wonder why a person with emotion is treated naive often..!It's about avoiding emotional drama and not emotions after all this differentiates "human".Staying expressive worth much more than emoji icons :P 

When we lay foundation to career,health,life as a whole.,relationships sink.Well, even gods had their trouble in sustaining relationships..Experience goofing up sometimes but peace demands a master in this art :)

Saturday 18 January 2014

Smartness pays..well not the smartphones!!

Everywhere - bus, meeting, restaurant, friends and so on, your eyes are always down - staring at the smartphone. Maybe someone has liked your photo on FB, upvoted your answer - common on - get some air! Check your surroundings - see that baby is smiling at you, there is sadness in your friend's eyes that can't be expressed in words - there is so much happiness around you,that appstore can't get you..

To say you will begin to experience so uncommon things around.They were uncommon since a sort of digital displacement was there in between.You would grow more expressive in real life which was lacking before.This digital displacement is the worst thing that can clutch any empty space :P

you'll have more time then. This might be so because of the change in the way you socialise or because you quit some smart phone thing, nevertheless, you'll have a lot of time compared to before. Your thumbs are not always fatigued.

You'll get to have more face-to-face conversations with people who  are around you. You could see this as a good or a bad thing. I don't want to judge this effect. All I'll say is that it happens.

And finally constantly speaking isn't conversating...Real friends do remember you without these stuffs ;)